As you can probably guess by the art, it's a more recent comic (and by recent, I mean post WWII). Superman is pretty much implying he is considering raping this woman (is it Superwoman? I can't tell). Now, the master of the website admits (and part of the fun of the whole thing) is that all these scans are devoid of context. Basically, this might be some 'evil impostor of Superman' or 'Red krypotnite turns Superman evil' thing. There might be some kind of justification... but DUDE!
The rest of them aren't quite that bad, though this is a close runner up:

And people wonder why women are still oppressed? Because things like this show up in our comic books! These are things little boys read. Is there really any kind of excuse for beating or raping a woman? Especially when you're SUPERMAN and, you know, INDESTRUCTIBLE? I'm sure it's excused though, otherwise he wouldn't really be a super hero, now would he? He just 'lost control' or maybe she 'made him do it'.
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